Membit Inc. is excited to announce “Ascension,” a breathtaking augmented reality art installation by Richard Humann and presented by Spark Art...
Category - Blog
Membit Names Chief Communication Officer Markerless Augmented Reality App taps communications Veteran Membit™, the first Augmented Reality Photo...
In the days before spring training several groups of technology developers got together to warm up their plays for a hackathon organized by MLBAM who...
There are so many fun ways to use Membit over the holidays. One way to enjoy our augmented reality photo app is to create and view membits using...
Membit at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from Membit on Vimeo. Caroline Burns visits Rockefeller Center with Membit from Membit on Vimeo. We...
When I was a kid, my Dad used to take me with him on his sales trips driving all over Kansas to small towns. He used to talk about the places we went...